Sunday, 13 October 2013

Home Grown Protein Shakes

The craze over protein shakes and bars and various supplements is ever-present in the world of health and fitness. At Youtopia, we're not convinced that those shakes are very healthy at all! They are often filled with numerous food additives and artificial colours and flavors. Not to mention a tub of shake can set you back $100 in some cases. That's a weeks worth of groceries and at YOUTOPIA, our opinion is that it makes more sense to simply buy groceries!

When it comes to shakes, what we're after is a quick, healthy dose of protein, vitamins and nutrients, as well as some sustenance! Here's a perfectly healthy, whole-food shake recipe that won't break the bank or quite possibly, put you behind in terms of health!

1 teaspoon almond meal.
1 cup of milk (can use skim)
1 teaspoon of flax oil
a half cup frozen blue berries
1 banana
1 teaspoon ultimate greens (optional)

Whiz and enjoy!